Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Less than a week!

Wow. Six months ago I would have said I couldn't wait to be at this point.. But now I'm actually getting a little of the "I'm a big girl now" gitters. Sam's plane ticket has been purchased, everything but my wardrobe is packed, and Bertha will soon be filled with gas and the 7 boxes that consume my life. My housing is paid for, my financial aid came through, and I seem well on my way. I am so excited yet really nervous. I have almost left home many times now...... and it had fallen apart at the last minute. But I am grateful. For I am not the same woman I was a year ago. It seems I wasn't meant to go to school at that time. There were things I had to accomplish before I'd be ready for this new adventure. For starters..... this last year I was able to earn my Young Woman's Recognition. I had the opportunity to teach with the missionaries and watch a beautiful woman grow in the Gospel. I have faced many adversities to test my faith. And I am glad to say that it has only strengthened my testimony. This last week was my third "birthday" of joining the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I am so grateful to be at this point of my life. I am glad that am ready to start on this path that the Lord has made for me. If you had asked me five years ago where i would be when I was turning 20.....well I never would have guessed this... Haha reminds me of something I heard once... "How do you make God laugh???.......Tell Him your plans."

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Our new home... well Sam's anyway.

Recently I made the move up to Mt. Hood Parkdale, Oregon. I love it out here. The commute to work was kinda long.. but now that I am no longer employed I can work on the house. Even though I'm only here for another two weeks. We live back in the woods off Trout Creek Ridge Road..... in the middle of nowhere basically. Surrounded by orchards and forest it has a lot of room for Rogue to run. She loves the snow! And we sure do get it!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Well.... it's almost here..

I made this blog so my family at home could know all about my life as I moved on to college... well that was two years ago... and I still haven't left. Well.. the time has almost come for me. I am due to leave January 2nd! I am so excited yet kinda nervous about beginning my adventure as a lost and lonely teenager among other lost and lonely teenagers. But I will make sure to keep everyone updated as I continue on this adventure! Love you all and I hope to see you before I leave.